
 DOSSIER: signaux faibles et prospective

  • JLS
  • Mercredi 15/09/2010
  • 17:07
  • Lu 5119 fois
  • Version imprimable

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Qu’est-ce qu’un signal faible ?
Un signal faible est une information, à dénicher quelque part dans l’infosphère, qui émerge à peine du bruit de l’immense brouhaha des flux de données disparates (on n’ose pas dire informations) et qui signale l’émergence d’une tendance nouvelle, souvent sociétale.
Si ce signal est correctement interprété (tout un débat !), il peut indiquer la direction à suivre pour faire émerger de nouvelles innovations liées au comportement des clients. Cette recherche de est issue de la mode où elle est une façon essentielle de détecter de nouvelles , mais elle est également très utilisée dans tous les secteurs de service sensibles à des effets de tendance comme la téléphonie mobile.

What is a Weak Signal?
In recent years, Foresight has emerged as a key instrument for the development and implementation of forward-looking research and innovation policies. Some activities show an interesting mix of approaches combining three types of elements: prospective studies of long-term opportunities and alternatives, participatory networking, and policy orientation. However, far too little attention has been paid to the identification and analysis of Wildcards and Weak Signals (WI-WE).
Weak Signals are past or current developments/issues with ambiguous interpretations of their origin, meaning and/or implications. They are unclear observables warning us about the probability of future events. For example, changes in public attitudes to one thing or another, an emerging pattern of concern about emerging health problems. Finding “relevant” weak signals is one of the most challenging tasks in futures research and their analysis often leads to the identification of potential Wild Cards. Given that weak signals lie in the eye of the observer, practically anything could be a weak signal:
1. Current Strengths & Weaknesses can be weak signals:  Growing failures of social care in educating young people 
2. Current Drivers, Trends & Challenges can be weak signals :  Increasing Self-Medication
3. Current Strategies & Policies can be weak signals:  Growing privatisation of war  -  Cars Banned from City Centres
4. Emerging Issues can be weak signals : Care Communities   -  Research on Aircrafts Propelled by Alternative Fuels   -             University offers Lady Gaga sociology course
5. Future Drivers, Scenarios, Threats & Opportunities can be weak signals :    DNA Testing and Social Engineering on the rise   -  Obama´s goal: One Million e-cars on the US streets by 2015
6. Shared Visions Megatrends & Grand Challenges can be weak signals :    Growing frequency of floods in Europe and the world
7. Hidden Issues (Secrets & Unknowns) can be weak signals :   Several Arab leaders urged attack on Iran over nuclear issue
8. Past Wild Cards can be weak signals too! :    9/11 is also seen as a signal that "terrorists" i: nfiltrated US security circles

L'initiative européenne: the iKNOW project

iKNOW is a new blue sky research and horizon scanning project launched by the European Commission and led by Rafael Popper of the University of Manchester and the participation of seven other partners (FFRC, Z_punkt, TC AS, RTC, ICTAF, Cyber Fox and Mindcom). iKNOW aims to advance knowledge and tools related to events and developments (e.g. wild cards and weak signals) potentially shaping and shaking the future of science, technology and innovation (STI). The project is primarily sponsored by the European Commission Directorate General for Research, as part of its Blue Sky initiatives, which are designed to create more proactive European research policy that will be capable of anticipating emerging issues, wild cards and weak signals (WI-WE). Wild Cards are situations/events with perceived low probability of occurrence but potentially high impact if they were to occur. Weak Signals are unclear observables warning us about the probability of future events (including Wild Cards). They implore us to consider alternative interpretations of an issue’s evolution to gauge its potential impact.

 iKNOW intends to become a cornerstone for ongoing and future horizon scanning, foresight and forward-looking activities in Europe – advancing knowledge, tools and capacities for the analysis and use of WI-WE approaches.

The outer ring of this image shows the 15 specific programmes
of the EC FP7 with the size representing the allocated funding,
e.g. €9,110 million for ICT research and €610 million
for social sciences and humanities (SSH) research.

In particular, iKNOW has developed conceptual and methodological frameworks to identify, classify, cluster and analyse wild cards and weak signals and assess their implications for, and potential impacts on, Europe and the world. To do so, the iKNOW project has developed well-defined scanning strategies, such as the inward-looking top-down (ILTD), which is carried out by the iKNOW Consortium and involves the scanning of over 2,000 EU-funded research projects; and the outward-looking bottom-up (OLBU), which required the creation of the iKNOW Community (including policy-makers, decision-makers, researchers and foresight practitioners) to scan a wide range of knowledge sources (e.g. journal articles, blogs, news, etc.).

As a result, iKNOW puts forward a novel ‘horizon scanning 2.0’ approach which, on the one hand, promotes participatory and bottom-up scanning supported by web 2.0 technologies, and, on the other hand, improves information collection, filtering, communication and exploitation.

La guru mondiale actuelle: HILTUNEN
Hiltunen - Weak signals : what, where and how
Hiltunen - Weaksignals Academic
Kuusi - Hiltunen - The Signification Process of the Future Sign - 2007

Aucun article

Digimind - Benchmark des logiciels de veille - 2009
Digimind - enjeux de la veille pour le secteur banque-assurance - juin 2008
Digimind - Guide de comparaison des logiciels de veille stratégique

CO-LAB Veille - Journée - la veille sur Internet - 22 janvier 2010

L'observatoire des tendances les outils gratuits pour faire de la veille - juillet 2009

MIT Sloan Management Review - How to Make Sense of Weak Signals - spring 2009

Duringer - présentation de la veille stratégique
Duringer - kit de survie semantique pour le chasseur de tendances - oct 2009

Forecasts from the World Future Society - 2006

Trendspotting - 100 things to watch in 2011
ATOS - LookOut - TrendsPlus - 2010

Aucun article


World Economic Forum - Global risks - 2009
World Economic Forum - Global Risks - 2011
World Economic Forum - Global Risks - 2012
World Economic Forum - Global Risks - 2013

IMF - perspectives de l'économe mondiale - 2012
CEPII - panorama de l'économie mondiale - 2011

Stiglitz - rapport sur la mesure des performance économiques et le progrès social -  France - 2008
Conseil d'Analyse Economique - Evaluer la performance économique le bien-être et la soutenabilité - résumé - 2010
Conseil d'Analyse Economique - (suite Stiglitz) Evaluer la performance économique le bien-être et la soutenabilité - 2010

McKinseyQuaterly - Five forces reshaping the global economy - may 2010
McKinseyQuaterly - global forces an introduction - june 2010

Cap Gemini - World Wealth Report - 2009

Jeremy Grantham - time to wake up days of abundant resources and falling prces are ever forever - 2011
RJ Gordon - Is US economic growth over - 2012
FT - Is unlimited growth a thing of the past? - 2012
Talbot - tectonic shifts in employment - 2011
Tomorrowtoday - innovation and the future workforce - 2012

EC - European Aeronautics - a vision for 2020
EC - GreenPaper creative industries - 2009

OECD - Infrastructure to 2030 - 2008

World Economic Forum - Digital Ecosystem for 2015 - 2007
World Economic Forum - More credit with fewer crisis - 2010
World Economic Forum - Global Agenda Outlook - 2013
World Economc Forum - More with Less - 2012
World Economic Forum - Perspectives on a Hyperconnected World - 2013

Eurosmart - The Smart & Secure World in 2020

FRGouv - technologies-cles-2015 - 2011
CAS - le pari de l'éolien - nov 2009
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UK - making good Society - Final report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Future of Civil Society in the UK and Ireland - june 2010
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UK Gov - Government ICT Strategy - 2010
UK Department for Transport - the future of Air Transport - 2003
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UK Royal Academy of Engineering - Transport 2050 -2005

US - National Intelligence Committee - Global Trends 2025 - 2008
US - National Intelligence Committee - Global Trends 2030

Booz - the rise of Generation C - 2011

McKinsey - Five forces reshaping the global economy - may 2010
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McKinseyQuaterly - Older, smarter, poorer: The French consumer transformation - June 2010
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BCG - Shaping_a_New_Tomorrow - 2011
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Deloitte - Consumer 2020 - 2011
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PwC - the world in 2050 - june 2008
PwC - Technology Forecast - 2008
PwC - World in 2050 - 2011
PwC - rethinking the Future - 2012

HSBC - the World in 2050 - 2011
ADL - Prism - The Future of Urban Mobility - 1-2011
Institute of future insights - the impact of megatrends on western retail sector - 2011
Joël de Rosnay - 2020 les scénarios du futur - 2007
LIPSOR - Strategic Foresight - 2008
Microsoft - Always On Always connected the new_world of work - 2007

Fevad - 2020 - la fin du e-commerce - 2011
IBM - balancing the scales - Toward a dynamic and stable Insurance future - dec  2009
IBM - Innovating Utility business models for the future - 2007

Groupe Marie-Claire - Cahier de tendances - 2008-2009 - la femme de synthese

Gartner - Strategic Technology Trends & the impact on business - 2011 Presentation
Duringer - tendances - 2008
Shaping Tomorrow Insight Newsletter - extraits de la dernière newsletter comme exemple
Red Green and Blue - Looking Beyond 2050 - some disturbing and interesting demographic trends - Jan 2010

CAP - Succeeding in a Volatile Market - 2018 -The Future Value Chain - 2008
CAP - Technovision 2012
CAP - the digital advantage - 2012

ADL - Future Lab n°1 - future of urban mobility - 2011

Deloitte - the future of consumer products companies - 2008
Deloitte - Consumer 2020 - 2011

Pew Internet - the Future of the Internet III - dec 2008
The Future of social networks - 2009
TrendsSpotting -  influencers on mobile - 2009-2020
TrendsSpotting - social media influencers - 2009
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ATKearney - Facts That Will Shape the Global Business Environment - 2010

The Observer - 20 predictions for the next 25 years - 2011
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The Futures Company -The World in 2020 - 2011
CR-Ces_inventions_qui_vont cartonner DM
BBVA - Innovation for the 21st Century - 2001

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