
 DOSSIER: Innovation Perspectives

  • JLS
  • Mardi 14/09/2010
  • 18:03
  • Lu 3596 fois
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Mots-clés : ,

WHAT IS INNOVATION - some definitions

Innovation is "the commercial or industrial application of something new—a new product, process or method of production; a new market or sources of supply; a new form of commercial business or financial organization." Schumpeter 1983

Innovation is the "intersection of invention and insight, leading to the creation of social and economic value." Council on Competitiveness 2005

Innovation covers a wide range of activities to improve firm performance, including the implementation of a new or significantly improved product, service, distribution process, manufacturing process, marketing method or organizational method. European Commission 2004

Innovation—the blend of invention, insight and entrepreneurship that launches growth industries, generates new value and creates high value jobs. Business Council of New York State 2006

The design, invention, development and/or implementation of new or altered products, services, processes, systems, organizational models for the purpose of creating new value for customers and financial returns for the firm. Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy, Department of Commerce 2008

An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations. Innovation activities are all scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial steps which actually, or are intended to, lead to the implementation of innovations. OECD 2005

Innovation success is the degree to which value is created for customers through enterprises that transform new knowledge and technologies into profitable products and services for national and global markets. A high rate of innovation in turn contributes to more market creation, economic growth, job creation, wealth and a higher standard of living. Innovation Vital Signs Project 2007


OECD - Manuel de Frascati - 2002
OECD & Eurostat : OSLO Manual - 3rd Edition - Guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data - 2005
OECD - Innovation and KISA - 2006
OECD - Perspectives des technologies de l'information - principales conclusions - 2008
OECD - Perspectives des technologies de l’information - édition 2010 - principales conclusions
OECD - Innovation Strategy - key findings - 2010.

EC - Research - rapport global - july 2005
EC - Report on EC's Public Online Consultation - Shaping the ICT research and innovation agenda for the next decade - 2008
EC - Innovation Watch - Synthesis Report - 2008
EC - European Search Area - JDMalo - Key Challenges - 2009
EC - Making Public Support for Innovation in the EU more Effective -  sept 2009
EC - EIS2008 Final report - 2009
EC - Culture as a catalyst for creativity and innovation - 2009
EC - Une Union de l'nnovation - le document - octobre 2010
EC - Une Union de l'Innovation - communiqué de presse - 2010
EC- Meeting the Challenge of Europe 2020 - 2011
EC - EIT Annual Report - 2010
EC - This is European Social Innovation - 2010
EC - EIT - Strategic innovation Agenda beyond 2014 - 2011

EC - Europe 2020 - 2010
EC - FINNOV - state of the art report - 2010

CAS - Rapport final - La société et l’économie à l’aune de la révolution numérique - juillet 2009.
CAS - Synthèse - La société et l’économie à l’aune de la révolution numérique - juillet 2009
FRGouv - 100 projets labex - 2011
FRGouv - rapport relatif à la création du conseil national du numérique - 2011
FUI - Pôles de compétitivité - recueil-projets - 2011
Pôle Systematic - slides plénière - sept2011
Pôle Systematic liste des projet RetD 2011
FRGouv - présentation du CIR - novembre 2010

Millenium Project - state of the Future - 2008
Le livre blanc britannique sur l'innovation - avr 2008
UK - The Royal Society - Hidden wealth - the contribution of Science to service sector - Innovation - 2009
UK Gov - Minsdpace - Influencing behaviour through public policy - 2010

Autres pays

Copenhaguen Institute for Future Orientation - who owns the future - 2009

Finland Gov - Demand & user driven innovation policy - Framework and action plan - 2010
Finland Gov - Demand & user driven innovation policy - action programme - 2010
Australie - NeAF - framework - 2008 

Etudes privées
ESCP-EAP - Pour une nouvelle vision de l'innovation - 2009

ADL - the future of innovation management - the next 10 years - 2011
BCG - Payback on innovation - 2010

Rapport FutuRIS - L'espace Euopéen de la Recherche et de l'Innovation à l'horizon 2020 - sept 2010
IBM - Global CEO survey - the Entreprise of the Future - 2008

IBM - Welcome to the Entreprise of the Future - 2008

McKinseyQuaterly - The next step in open innovation - 2008
McKinseyQuaterly - interview with Mozilla Chairman - jan 2008
McKinseyQuaterly - Innovation lessons from Pixar - april 2008
McKinseyQuaterly - the ergonomics of innovation - sep 2008
McKinseyQuaterly - Prizes : a winning strategy for innovation - july 2009

Altran PWC - PIDF - Groupe de travail innovation n°2 - 2010
ATKearney - Innovation Management - 2008

Nespresso - quand la simplicite du produit masque la complexite du processus d'innovation
JP Morgan - une approche rationnelle - investir dans un monde où la psychologie affecte les décisions financières - sept 2009
Olivier Ezratty - Culture d’entreprise et innovation (Apple, google, MS) - juillet 2010
Gartner - Cinq mythes lies a l'innovation  mise à jour - 2010
Athena Alliance - Innovative Finance for Innovation - 2010
Innovation financing for Innovation
Les actes du colloque FutuRIS du 4 mars 2011
ADL - Prism - Inventions from 1886 - 1-2011
ADL - Prism - Ground Breaking Innovation Management Concepts from the Past 25 years - 1-2011

MIT Sloan Management Review - The New Faster Face of Innovation - 2009
MIT Sloan Management Review -  Finding an Innovation Strategy that Works - August 2009
MIT Sloan Management Review - Innovation from the inside out
MIT Sloan Management Review - What helps and hinders Innovation - sept 2009
MIT Sloan Management Review - Which Innovation Efforts will pay - sept 2009
MIT Sloan Management Review - The Four Ways IT is Driving Innovation - feb 2010

Harvard Business Review - Teaming up to crack Innovation and entreprise integration - 2009
Harvard Business Review - Christensen - meeting the challenge of disruptive change - 2009

European Futurist Conf 2008 - Open Innovation - do we still need patents ?

Cambridge Center for Business Research - Exploding the Myths of UK Innovation Policy - Jan 2010
CSC - What Innovation is - 2005
FutureOrientation - who owns the future - 2009
FutuRIS - les processus d'innovation - l'entreprise et son ecosysteme - juin 2009
BusinessWeek - the failed promise of innovation in the US - june 2009

ANRT - Rapport FutuRIS - L'Espace Européen de recherche et Innovation à l horizon 2020 - 2010
Altran Synectics - presentation in innovation - feb 2007

Accenture - How to capture the essence of innovation - jan 2008
Accenture - mastering technology innovation in retail
AGF- présentation de la stratégie d'Innovation à ESSEC-ISIS - 2008
Strategy Business - 6 industries in search of survival - march 2010
Strategyn - what would Edison say - 2010
BCG - Winning in emerging-market cities - 2010
ACUF - l'e-administration au coeur de l'innovation territoriale - avr 2008
Booz&Co - The Global Innovation 1000 - 2010
Booz&Co - The 2012 Global Innovation 1000 - Key Findings
Booz&Co - The 2012 Global Innovation 1000 Study

Gary Hamel - HBR - the Why, What, and How of management Innovation - 2006

Gary Hamel - slides - the Why, What, and How of management Innovation - 2006

BBVA - Frontiers of Knowledge - 2008
BBVA - Ian Miles - Innovation and the Service Economy - 2008
BBVA - Von Hippel - Innovation by users - 2008

Entreprise 2-0 - 2010
Gemalto - livre-blanc-sur-l-eGouvernement-2008

AgilityInnovation - collaborative innovation reference framework - 2011

Bloomberg - Risk Management and Innovation - 2010
Bloomberg - The role of the Chief Innovation Officer - 2010
CapGemini - Collaboration for Innovation study - results - 2010
Jérémy Gain - Management de l'innovation v1 - 2010

Kurt Salmon - Digital Transformation - 2013


OECD - Promoting Innovation in Services - 2003

EC - Research in the services sector - July 2005
EC - enquete CIS4 - l'innovation dans les services - 2006
EC - Challenges for EU support to Innovation in Service - 2009
EC - Fostering Innovation in Services - 2007

EC - Towards an European Strategy in Support of Innovation in Services - 2007
EC - Europe Innova - Services Innovation as a catalyst dor Europe 2020 - 2010
EC - Service Innovation in EU_The transformative power of service innovation_report - February 2011
EC - Service Innovation in EU_case-studies - February 2011
EC - Amsterdam Declaration finale - Towards a Pan-European initiative in support of creative industries in Europe
EC - Service Innovation Yearbook 2010-2011 - 2011

UK - DTI - Innovation in services - 2007
UK BIS Gov - Supporting Innovation in Services - 2008

Québec - conseil de la science et de la technologie - l'innovation dans les services - 2003

Etudes privées
L'innovation dans les services - les apports de la théorie de la conception - 2005
CIGREF - AFOPE - L'immatériel et Innovation dans les Services - 2008
ANRT - innovation dans les services - fev 2010
Advanced Institute of Management - innovation in services - 2007


Minefi - Rapport sur l'économie de l'immatériel - 2006

OECD - measuring innovation - a new perspective - 2010

EC - the Innovation Performance of the EU Member States in 2009 - march 2010
EC - Innobarometer - Analytical report - 2009
EC - Europe Innovation Scoreboard - 2008

US Secretariat of Commerce- innovation measurement - tracking the state of innovation in the american economy - 2008

INSEAD - Global Innovation Index - 2008 2009
BCG - Measuring Innovation - Apr 2009
McKinseyQuaterly - assessing innovation metrics - oct 2088
McKinseyQuaterly - Innovation - what is your score - sept 2009

IBM - Value from innovative techology - 2008

Glassman - Metrics for Idea Generation - 2009
MIT Sloan Management Review - Value Creation Experiments and  why IT Does Matter - feb 2010
Innovation ScoreCard - 2007
InnovationLabs - Innovation_Metrics - 2008

AthenaAlliance - measuring Innovation and intangibles - a business perspective - 2009
AthenaAlliance - frameworks for measuring innovation - initial approaches - 2009
AthenaAlliance - Toward Better Measurement of Innovation and Intangibles - 2009

Think for a change - Innovation Maturity Model - 2010


Systematic Innovation Using TRIZ
SImple introduction to TRIZ

Blue Ocean Strategy
>> Blue Ocean Strategy official presentation
>> Blue Ocean Strategy - Interview
>> A critical look at blue ocean strategy
>> Other critics
>> An presentation
>> An introduction
>>>>> The Book !!!!!!

Strategyn - using outcome-driven innovation to achieve growth objectives - 2007
Strategyn - fundamental of outcome-driven innovation method - 2008
Strategyn - outcome-driven segmentation - 2009
Strategyn - what is outcome-driven innovation - 2010

La méthode Delphi

Hatchuel - C-K theory - Wikipedia
La théorie C-K

CAS - les cahiers de l'évaluation - notation = évaluation vol1 - fev 2010
Linstone & Turof - the Delphi Methods - 2005
Joël de Rosnay - 2020 les scénarios du futur - le livre en entier - 2010
Vijay Govindarajan & Chris Trimble - the other side of innovation  solving the execution challenge
David Croslin - Innovate the Future
Hervé Mathe - L'innovation dans les services: perspectives et stratégies - 2008
Peter Skarzynski & Robert Gibson - Innovation to the Core
Christian Terwiesc  - Innovation Tournaments
Steve Todd - "Innovate with Influence"
Mary Adams - Intangible Capital
Carmine Gallo - the innovation secrets of Steve Jobs - 2010
David Migley - the innovation manual


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